Times are a bit strange. Work is a ticking timebomb, had two very good friends get laid off within hours of each other, and the fam is on the brink of making some serious lifestyle decisions. And on a positive note- Barak Obama.
I'm not sure why I feel the need to post anything today, other than to state the obvious- everything changes when you have a child. Don't think for a second that it's a bad thing- quite the opposite. Holden is, without a doubt, the most powerful being on the planet. He's capable of bringing me to tears and weakening my knees with the most unassuming action. Something that would be overlooked by anyone else other than his parents. Can't explain it.
Anyhow- not trying to get all emo, but what can I say? I was listening to TVOTR this morning, drinking coffee- and Province came on the iTunes. As the title of this post states, we're in for change.
Stay tuned...